Sent by Terry P, Globe Steward 14th June 2018

I worked with Catherine on the Focus Groups of 2016 and 2017. During that time I really came to value her, not only as a friend, but also (and perhaps especially) because of her ready sense of humour and her ability to marshal logical arguments to support a point of view. The documents the 2017 Group produced concerning Security and the Yard Steps owed much to her input. When she spoke, we all listened. It isn’t recorded in the minutes(!), but at the end of the first meeting of the 2016 Focus meeting Catherine suffered a fit. George and I were able to help her through that and Tanya took over her recovery. She tried to apologise for the episode at the start of the second meeting, but was very firmly told that no apology was necessary or expected. I greatly admired her courage, openness and determination to live life to the full. I, along with all the Stewards that knew her, will miss her greatly. Terry